Launch a
PrayForTheChosen group
in your language!
Are you a Hollywood Prayer Network chapter director
(or willing to become one)
and want to join PrayForTheChosen
by launching a weekly prayer meeting in your language / region?
All it takes is one person with great passion and faithfulness :) but a 3-person team to start is ideal. Here are the roles each national team needs to fill:
Prayer team leader to facilitate the weekly meeting, rally people to the cause, and be the point person for your language / region. Leader must be a Hollywood Prayer Network chapter director, or in-process to become one.
Translator bilingual in English, with professional-level church-vocabulary skills, to translate our social media posts and weekly newsletter text
Social Media Manager to interact excitedly and graciously on your language / region’s PrayForTheChosen accounts
PrayForTheChosen is all-volunteer
from the founder to the newest team member,
and not associated with The Chosen organization.
Your treasure will be in heaven :)
Contact Joey at joey@gracearlington.com